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Our Ministries

Explore the enriching ministries of our church and discover where your journey of faith can flourish.


We love kids! It’s our privilege to engage children with the Bible and help them experience God’s goodness so that they would develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. At MCC Kids, we love helping kids connect with each other, so they can grow in their faith together, creating a community of faith for every age.

Community Groups

We aren’t meant to do life alone. We are a church with many front doors, meeting in homes and coffee shops across the city. We find great joy in seeing people like you thrive while experiencing authentic Christ-Centered community. Our Community Groups focus on establishing depth in relationships and experiencing life-on-life community. The expression will vary but may include food, discussion, prayer, worship, or Bible study.


At Málaga Christian Center, we provide opportunities for families to gather, fellowship, and grow in their understanding of Christ. Our passion is that families who attend MCC would develop strong relationships and be an encouragement to one another. We know that we are better, stronger, and bolder together. Through family events, discipleship moments, and serving opportunities, we believe that our unity will draw our community to Christ.


Hey ladies! We love creating fun, engaging spaces where women can encourage, empower, and equip each other to do life with confidence and faith. In these spaces, we want you to discover life-giving sisterhood in Christ. Come experience fun, supportive relationships in a discipleship environment that will strengthen your relationship with Jesus and each other.


We envision a community of men committed to a journey of growth, camaraderie, and impact. We strive to inspire men to embrace their unique callings, deepen their faith, and equip them to be leaders in their families, church, workplaces, and communities. Our aim is to foster a brotherhood that stands strong in faith, empowers one another, and leaves a lasting legacy of Christ’s love in our city.